13 December 2008

drawing the shades.

haven't posted in a while. the end of the year is coming up and what a year it's been... not really. not much has happened for me, aside from my car blowing up and getting a new one, getting promoted to ass. man. at work, turning 29, playing with kayo dot and still not having a girlfriend.
i have decided that i will make a new year's resolution this year (something i've never done). i've got a few things on there; diet changes, exercise, mental changes but i'm thinking that i should add some more. maybe be completely honest with everyone, in the best possible way. i don't know.
i've decided that i have to do something about getting a girlfriend. what that is, i don't know. the women that are my age are already in a relationship (or married) and if they're not they're not my type, but then again i'm so lonely i'm not sure if i couldn't just be molded into someone. i'm a pretty private guy (i don't think any of my friends know me completely) and i like to be that way but of course we have the need as humans to share ourselves with someone else. i am an incomplete person.